Fire ant risk in hay

Fire ants on 10c coin

During these incredibly stressful times it can be easy to forget about the biosecurity risks of importing fodder from interstate.

Red imported fire ants, parthenium weed and lupin anthracnose are high risk potential contaminants of fodder being imported from interstate. Fodder originating from the south east Queensland Red Imported Fire Ant biosecurity zone must have a Plant Health Certificate which verifies it meets the strict conditions required to import hay into NSW.

The Queensland Government published “Reducing weed risks from fodder” which contains excellent advice for reducing biosecurity risks when storing and feeding out fodder on farm, as well as future monitoring advice. 

Suspected exotic ants should be reported immediately to the biosecurity hotline 1800 680 244.

Image: Comparative size of RIFA against an Australian 10 cent coin – Courtesy QLD DAF

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