Isabelle Ruhnke

Isabelle Ruhnke

Isabelle Ruhnke worked eight years at the University of New England on many research projects focusing on free-range laying hens. Through this, she connected with many farmers and egg producers, learning about their unique situations, challenges and solutions. With her background in veterinary science and being specialised in animal nutrition, she found the perfect symbiosis with the free range hen businesses and loved being able to help and support others.

Currently, Isabelle is a Professor leading the Poultry Division at the Freie University in Berlin, Germany. Here, she extends her expertise to focus more on specific poultry diseases and their epidemiology.

The Australian and German poultry sector have many things in common while at the same time can learn so much from each other:

  • disease surveillance and biosecurity
  • individual solutions and best practice
  • experiences with “new” and organic bird strains
  • various challenges with mobile sheds, … and the list continues.
 I am honoured to contribute to this platform. Support the free-range hens starts with supporting the people who look after these ladies.


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