Webinar – Preparing your farm for an Emergency Animal Disease

Are you a small-scale, free range egg producer concerned about an Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) or notifiable disease impacting your farm?

Join us for an upcoming webinar to find out what happens and what your role and responsibilities are as an egg producer.

Our panel of industry experts will lead a discussion covering the essential information you need to know and how an EAD or notifiable disease might impact your business.

Learn from people with direct experience the major challenges small scale, pasture-based poultry farms can face and hear practical ways you can plan for these now.

Share the lessons learnt from those who’ve been through it – and what they wish they’d known before.

Date: Monday 9 September

Time: 1-2pm

Where: Online via Zoom

Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpd-mqrj0jHNAhenfMdA8n8xNKx9sAZMYx

For further information please contact [email protected]

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