What is the Small Scale Poultry Community of Practice (COP) about? SHARING.

What is the Small Scale Poultry Community of Practice (COP) about? SHARING.

The COP is led by passionate and knowledgeable industry subject matter experts committed to addressing the needs of small scale free range poultry producers for accurate information and linkages with other industry participants. We will collaborate, share knowledge and research, create ideas, and find solutions together.

This is a place to discuss best practice, learn about emerging issues, ask questions, share tips and connect with others in the industry who can help. Whether you’re new to poultry or an old-hand, have a micro commercial flock of 50 birds or 10,000 birds or work to support the free range poultry industry, we welcome your contribution.

By sharing our experiences and knowledge we can all learn and understand more about poultry production. Producers, government agencies, industry bodies, researchers and service providers all bring different and important information that when pieced together can help improve practice and solve problems.

The site will grow and share webinars, articles and interviews with industry experts and producers from across Australia and around the world. Stay up to date and be inspired.
If you haven’t already: join up to receive updates, ask an expert or contact us about what you’d like to see and hear more about. This site is for you. It will grow with your input and contributions.

Do you have a story to share, solutions to problems which could help others, a problem that’s stuck with you but others may have the answer? Let us know. You are not alone and by sharing our insights there is no need to re-invent the wheel.

We look forward to building this Community with you. Welcome. And start sharing your experiences and needs with us.

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