CropAlert – Seasonal Update August 2024

CropAlert – Seasonal Update August 2024

The season across Victoria is progressing at different rates, and therefore the risk of disease is highly variable. Currently there are only a few diseases of concern, but a solid plan for the rest of the season is still required. The current diseases of concern in the following crops include.


Stripe rust – was reported earlier than usual and across the eastern seaboard. While this is not as early as the 2022 epidemic, it is still an increased risk compared with an average year. Crops will need to be monitored and actively managed where stripe rust symptoms are found to reduce the impact. For further information on the situation please download the July cereal rust report from the Australian Cereal Rust Survey.

Wheat stripe rust at Nyah, in Sunblade CL sown Anzac day


Powdery Mildew – Field resistance to Group 11 (QoI) and Group 3 (DMI) fungicides is detected in Victoria. Hence these fungicides will be unreliable with (wheat powdery mildew) WPM control. New fungicides for WPM control are now available including Talendo (Group 13), Vivando (Group U8) and Legend (Group 13). APVMA has recently extended their permit until May 2027. Refer respective fungicide label for application guidelines.



Net form net blotch (NFNB) – was reported in early sown crops in the Wimmera and Western districts particularly in variety RGT Planet, susceptible to NFNB. Please note that resistance to Group 7 (SDHI) and reduced sensitivity to Group 3 (DMI) fungicides is now detected in Victoria. Therefore, these fungicides may no longer be reliable when used for NFNB control. Refer AFREN for fungicide resistance management strategies.


Net form of net blotch in Maximus barley at Serpentine


Lentil and Vetch

Ascochyta blight – this has appeared in emerging seedlings with severe symptoms in some crops (stem breakages). Crops at higher risk of disease (susceptible or MRMS varieties in close rotations) will need monitoring and possible treatment. If disease symptoms persist through to podding, even at low levels and rain occurs during podding, the pods will need to be protected with fungicide.

Botrytis grey mould (BGM) – similarly to Ascochyta blight, BGM was detected early in crops this year. Early fungicides will have controlled some of the disease, but crops will need canopy closure sprays and monitoring.

Field pea

Bacterial blight – several frosts this season have increased the risk of bacterial blight in field pea crops. Monitor for symptoms and if a paddock or section of paddock is affected, avoid spreading the disease to other paddocks through good hygiene. Retain seed from clean paddocks. Fungicides do not control Bacterial blight.


Update on Field Crops Pathology Contacts at Agriculture Victoria

Shefat Rahman from the CropSafe program has moved onto a new role. Short term temporary positions are always difficult to fill while staff are on extended leave. There are still multiple people in the team able to assist you with your Field Crops diseases enquiries, including


CropSafe Enquires

[email protected]


All Crop Disease Enquiries

Dharushana Thanabalasingam

[email protected]


Hari Dadu

[email protected]


Chloe Findlay

[email protected]


Joshua Fanning (Overseas for first few weeks of August)

[email protected]

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