Joshua Fanning

Research Leader – Plant Pathology, Agriculture Victoria, Horsham

Joshua is the Research Leader – Plant Pathology at Agriculture Victoria. His research specialises in pulse pathology, soilborne disease and surveillance. The Plant Pathology research team covers grains, horticulture, diagnostics and biosecurity.

He started as a research scientist in 2013 for the Victorian Government, managing a soil-borne disease program. The soil-borne disease program focused on root lesion and cereal cyst nematodes. During 2018, Josh moved to a new role as a field based pulse pathologist in Horsham, while still supporting the soil-borne disease program. This new role was developed to support the Victorian pulse growers and work in collaboration with pulse pathologists, agronomists and breeders nationally to manage pulse diseases that are affecting Victorian Growers.

Prior to working for the Victorian Government, Joshua undertook a bachelor’s degree and honours at Adelaide University. He also completed a PhD studying sub-acute ruminal acidosis in sheep, at The University of Adelaide. He has always been passionate about agriculture and enjoys the balance of field and office work, while having the ability to communicate with growers and agronomists to keep the research program relevant to industry.

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 LinkedIn: Joshua Fanning

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