Protecting cherries from adverse climate conditions

Sweet cherry production is directly reliant on good climatic conditions for optimal yield and quality. Rainfall, hail and heat events during fruit development and prior to harvest can cause significant yield and quality loss. Protective covers provide a way to protect cherries against rainfall, damaging wind, frost and extreme heat events.

Sensors were installed in a cherry orchard in Nashdale to monitor climate conditions.

However, there are concerns about covers’ potential negative impacts on cherries, such as increased disease incidence and severity. Therefore, the Digital Agriculture team at NSW DPIRD has established trials in commercial cherry orchards in Orange and Gulgong to better understand how protective covers might affect microclimate conditions and fruit quality.  

Digital sensors were installed next to cherry trees to measure air temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and soil moisture. The data is collected in real-time and visualised in a user-friendly dashboard accessible to the grower. This dashboard allows the grower to compare the growing conditions under cover versus without cover and make more informed decisions about irrigation and interventions for disease management.  

  • Temperature regulation: The VOEN cover reduced maximum temperatures during warm days, helping to protect cherry trees from heat stress. Conversely, on cooler days, the cover helped to increase minimum temperatures, providing a more stable and favourable environment for the trees. 
  • Humidity control: on warmer days, the cover increased minimum humidity levels, potentially reducing irrigation needs.  
  • Wind Speed Reduction: The cover significantly lowered wind speeds, offering protection from strong winds that could otherwise damage fruits. 

More data is being collected and analysed for further insights about the application of protective covers in cherry orchards.

More information

For more information visit:  Protected Cropping | Department of Primary Industries ( 



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