2023 Disease guides for Victoria

Yellow leaf spot in cereals and chocolate spot on faba bean

The Victorian pulse and cereal disease guides provide the latest information on disease management and disease resistance ratings.

2023 Disease Management – Pulses

There will be a high risk of disease carryover into the 2023 season from infected seed and stubble of crops that had high disease levels in 2022. A proactive integrated disease management strategy will be required to reduce the risk of pulse diseases causing yield loss during 2023. This should include:

  • avoiding planting pulse crops into or adjacent to paddocks where there was disease during 2022,
  • sowing healthy vigorous seed,
  • using fungicidal seed dressings where applicable,
  • avoiding susceptible varieties where possible
  • implementing a fungicide management plan.

A later harvest and weed carryover will increase the risk of soil-borne diseases including root lesion nematodes and pythium. A PREDICTA®B test will identify paddocks at risk of some important soil-borne diseases of pulses.

For more information and to download, visit the Victorian Pulse Disease Guide.

2023 Disease Management – Cereals

Cereal diseases will require proactive management during 2023 as there will be disease carry over on both volunteer cereals growing over summer and on stubble. The wet conditions across north-eastern Australia over summer will increase the risk of early rust infections due to the widespread green bridge.

Soil-borne diseases are a risk to cereals. Testing prior to sowing (PREDICTA B®) allows paddocks at risk to be identified and less susceptible crop varieties sown.

For more information and to download, visit the Victorian Cereal Disease Guide.

Further information

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