CropAlert Ascochyta in Chickpea August 2016

CropAlert Ascochyta in Chickpea August 2016
CropAlert Ascochyta in Chickpea August 2016

Ascochyta blight of chickpeas has been found in a Southern Mallee trial site. Monarch, Striker and Maiden appear to be very susceptible whilst previously resistant varieties such as Genesis
090 are also affected but to a lesser extent.

Advisors and growers are advised to spray chickpea crops now and follow up with regular monitoring and apply additional preventative fungicide sprays during spring to avoid losses.

Key management recommendations

  • Apply a preventative fungicide spray early
  • Monitor chickpea crops, including previously resistant varieties, closely for ascochyta blight
  • Plan ahead with fungicides. There is a limited supply of many fungicides in 2016 so if you think you my need to spray speak to your supplier.

See Severe Ascochyta in Victorian Mallee chickpea crops for more information.

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