Sclerotinia in pulse crops
This season, Sclerotinia white mould, has been found in lentil and chickpea crops in several districts throughout the Victorian Mallee. The prolonged damp conditions throughout winter have favored disease development. Other pulses, including faba beans, vetch and lupins, can also develop sclerotinia white mould.” Read more on this situation in Sclerotinia in Victorian Pulses
Stripe Rust in wheat
The first Victorian stripe rust report of the season was on the 13th of September in a crop of Trojan wheat near Winchelsea. Stripe rust was first detected in Trojan in 2017 in Derrinallum. This serves as a reminder to monitor wheat crops for rust, with a focus on the more susceptible cultivars.
Bacterial Blight in Field Peas
Bacterial Blight has been reported in field pea crops across the Wimmera following recent frost events. Unfortunately, there are no in crop control options for bacterial blight. Where possible growers and advisors are urged to minimise the spread of the disease to clean crops by staying out of infected paddocks and harvesting infected crops after clean crops. If seed is to be retained, ensure it is from paddocks not infected and consider testing retained seed to ensure it is free of disease to stop the spread into next season. The disease is carried from one season to the next on infected seed and/or through stubble spread so ensure next years paddocks are not next to or within this year’s field pea paddocks that were infected.
Researchers in Horsham are collecting bacterial blight isolates again this year. Please send any bacterial blight samples to:
Dr Pragya Kant
Agriculture Victoria – Please refrigerate
Private Bag 260
Horsham Vic 3401
*Please note that these are isolate collection samples and will not be diagnosed for more than bacterial blight. Samples that need a full diagnosis should be sent in to CropSafe. For more details see CropSafe*
Other news
Get help with soil-borne diseases affecting your oilseed and pulse crops. A GRDC supported project is encouraging growers and agronomists to submit crops exhibiting poor thrift to be tested for soil-borne diseases. For further information or how to submit a sample please see What is the cost of soil-borne crop disease?
Researchers are also asking for help with collecting pulse disease isolates. If you are seeing foliar diseases in pulse crops and would like to help out please see Pulse researchers seek samples for further information.
Up-coming events
Below are some of the upcoming events hosted by Agriculture Victoria that may be of interest to you or your clients.
Understanding Soil Microbiology – 16th Sept (Winiam)
Wimmera Hay Days -Sept 16th, 17th and 18th Multiple events. See website for further details.
Crop Pathology Field Day – 8 Oct (Horsham)
Southern Pulse Agronomy Field Day – 15th Oct