CropAlert Pre-season Newsletter March 2021

CropAlert Pre-season Newsletter March 2021

Some useful tools for the coming season. It is not too late to prevent yield loss!

2021 Disease guides

The 2021 Cereal and Pulse Disease Guides are now available on the Agriculture Victoria website via the links below and attached to this email. These guides provide access to the latest disease ratings.

Apps for managing in crop disease

A range of new apps for iPads and Tablets have been released over the last few years to help with the management of blackleg and sclerotinia in canola and stripe rust of wheat. These apps are BlacklegCM, SclerotiniaCM, and StripeRustWM, respectively.

These apps help identify management strategies, such as cultivar choice, fungicide application, and/or paddock choice, that can be used to minimise yield loss due to the disease and improve economic returns. The apps are available for free download from the Google Play Store and iTunes Store by searching for the app name.

Green bridge

Summer rainfall across Victoria has led to the establishment of a green bridge. The green bridge plays an important role in the lifecycle of diseases such as rusts and aphid borne viruses. Crops sown this year will be at greater risk of these diseases as a result. Further  information can be found in the GRDC green bridge factsheet at

Further information

Field Crop Diseases Victoria

The website hosts articles, videos, and podcasts from leading crop disease researchers in Victoria. This is where the most recent research updates are likely to be found.
The “Identification and management of field crop diseases in Victoria” manual can also be found under the resources tab.


AgNotes are found on the Agriculture Victoria website and provide key disease information about most crop disease.

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