
The IPDM extensionAus platform provides practical information and advice to growers and industry to develop skills, knowledge and implement strategies in apple and pear orchards to develop, maintain and improve pest-resilient farming systems.

Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM) means using cultural and biological best management methods supported by pest identification, monitoring and understanding of action thresholds to intervene with selective pesticides only when necessary to control pests, disease, and weeds, in the production of apples and pears.

The platform is a key component of a Hort Innovation funded project Strengthening cultural and biological management of pests and diseases in apple and pear orchards (AP19002) and part of the PIPS 3 program.

Agriculture Victoria is the key research provider and is working with the University of Tasmania to deliver the project.

Key topics on this site are presented as articles, which describe the topic and importantly link to other references, presentations or tools that may be of use to the reader.