Farm performance data collected by the 2019-20 Livestock Farm Monitor Project is now available in the interactive report below.
Users can customise an analysis to investigate the average performance by selecting different Victorian regions and individual farms on the top on the page. The results of the selected filters are shown in the bottom half of the page where the light green bar represents the regional average and the dark green bar represents the selected farm. To deselect a farm simply click on the farm again.
Free benchmarking and profit assessment of your farm business
Positions are available for sheep, beef and cropping farms across Victoria to participate in the 2020-21 Livestock Farm Monitor Project.
The Livestock Farm Monitor Project has been collecting detailed physical and financial farm information from producers for fifty years and providing them with a thorough and independent report of their farm’s performance.
Participants have said they use the report’s data for such things as obtaining or extending loans or to make short, medium and long-term business decisions.
Data collection occurs in July and August each year.
There is no cost for participants, and all information is treated as strictly confidential.
For further information about getting involved please contact:
Sam Henty
About the Livestock Farm Monitor Project
The Livestock Farm Monitor Project is Agriculture Victoria’s primary source of farm level information for sheep, beef and cropping production practices, resource use, and economic well-being.
The results of this annual survey provide the farm-level data required to inform Agriculture Victoria on decisions that have a farm level impact and to inform the direction of future policy design, research themes and service delivery programs.
Farmers who participate in the project increase their understanding of their farm business which builds resilience and improves their ability to adapt to change.
Further Information
Further 2019-20 Livestock Farm Monitor analysis can be found in our previous article.