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Pea and lentil rust


The first symptoms are minute, whitish, slightly raised spots. These spots enlarge and change to form an orange-brown (rust coloured) pustules (typical of rust diseases of other crops) often surrounded by a light coloured halo. Leaves, stems and pods can all be infected.

Lentil and field pea rust can be confused with other rust diseases. However, neither rust has been recorded on field pea in Australia.


Uromyces pisi
Uromyces viciae-faba (exotic strains)

Host range

Field pea rust and Lentil rust are major fungal diseases affecting Pisum spp. (field pea, garden pea etc.) and Vicia spp. (faba bean, vetch and lentil). Uromyces pisi is not present in Australia. Uromyces vicia-faba occurs widely in Australia on faba beans and vetch, but not on field pea or lentil.

Method of spread

Wind (air-borne spores), contaminated machinery and clothing, contaminated seed and plant debris.

Conditions favouring disease

Rust development is favoured by mild temperatures and humid conditions, especially in mid to late spring. Cloudly weather with temperatures of
20-22°C and dense canopy favour the disease.

Confused with?

Lentil and field pea rust can be confused with other rust diseases. However, neither rust has been recorded on field pea in Australia.

If rust symptoms are seen on field pea or lentil a sample should be sent for further testing to identify the species – contact the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.


Middle East, South America, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Canada.

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