Agriculture Victoria varied its Lupin Anthracnose entry conditions which came into force at 12:00am on 15 July 2020.
Lupin anthracnose is a fungal disease caused by Colletotrichum lupini (Nirenberg et al 2001) which infects all above ground parts of lupin plants and is a highly destructive disease of lupins. The disease can cause complete crop losses in susceptible varieties.
The disease is established in Western Australia and South Australia. It has not been found in Victoria.
Lupin anthracnose was detected in New South Wales in October 2016. Area freedom status was re-declared in July 2019 following the completion of emergency response activities which included two years of crop surveys during which there were no further detections of the disease.
For further details and to view the full industry notice.
The new order and Condition 27F – Lupin Anthracnose: Seed for sowing in the Plant Quarantine Manual have been updated.
Further information links
For further information regarding movement and treatment requirements, please contact Agriculture Victoria on [email protected] or via the online Plant Quarantine Manual.
Feature Image: Stem infection on albus lupins Source: Kurt Lindbeck, NSW Department of Primary Industries