Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

The brown marmorated stink bug is an exotic plant pest that is a high priority for Australia. This economically damaging pest that could attack over 300 types of fruit, ornamental trees and vegetable crops and become a real nuisance for households.

Arguably the most important action growers can take is simply to be aware of the risk, what the bug looks like and what to do if you spot it – contain it and contact the Australian Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.

The high-risk period runs until May and females emerging from hibernation can deposit eggs within two weeks.

Growers should be particularly cautious if they have imported machinery from overseas or used shipping containers direct from port, and consider keeping tracking information for reference if an incursion does occur.

The adult has a brown ‘shield’-shaped body, the colour of which varies but is generally mottled with a reddish tinge. It can be distinguished from native stink bugs by the distinctive white banding on its antennae and the outer edge of its body.

Read more in APAL’s article: Rapid spread of BMSB calls for extra vigilance:


Agriculture Victoria:


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