Case Study Update: Nannup WA – spot spraying Spring beetles and oil spray combats Bryobia at green tip

Grower name: Mark Scott
Location: Nannup, WA
What are the main IPDM issues being focussed on? Mites, Apple Dimple Bug, Woolly Apple Aphid, MedFly, brown snails, apple scab, pear scab, powdery mildew, spring beetle, weevils (Apple, G.W, FRW)
What are you doing currently with IPDM? Action Plan for this season includes:

Monitoring Apple Dimple Bug and spring beetle

·        Look out for pests and signs of damage.

Spot monitor for mites through season, pay attention to known hot spots.

·        Investigate use of cumulative leaf infested days (CLIDs) instead of mites/leaf or percentage leaves infested to determine the need to spray mites

·        Apply oil spray at green tip against bryobia mite.


·        Consider storing some Aphelinus mali parasitised WAA for release of A. mali in late spring.


·        Consider developing inter-row sward that supports predators over winter and limits weeds.

·        Trial using Serenade Prime

What has worked well? What hasn’t? Apple Dimple Bug monitoring has worked well. No ADB or thrips detected therefore did not spray. No sign of damage from these pests.

Oil spray at green tip against Bryobia mite appears to have given good control.

Decided to leave A.mali predated WAA colonies in the orchard rather than store them. Am checking for any new infestations.

Spring beetles were in big numbers in some blocks. Spot spraying with Avatar rather than treating whole orchard.

Have let ‘weeds’ in tree row grow in winter and then used Sprayseed in early October before green tip. Will be using mulching mower with side throw when necessary for inter-row sward management.

What would you do differently next time? Too early to say. Will wait until later in season to comment.

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