A whole ‘system’ approach is required for fruit fly management. By this we mean:
- Protein bait sprays
- Monitoring
- Male annihilation
- Sanitation
The Manage Queensland Fruit fly brochure from Hort Innovation is a great resource that outlines three key steps:
A – Attract and kill with protein bait sprays
B – Reduce males with male annihilation technique (MAT)
C – Sanitation (and monitoring)
Other tools such as physical control, crop management, cover sprays, biological control, SIT and post harvest can also play a role – some in area wide approaches or at a government implementation level. Cover sprays are being phased out.
Protein bait sprays
- This is the essence of fruit fly management
- Adult flies emerge from the soil after pupation
- Females need to mate and feed on protein before they can lay eggs
- We have a 5-7 day window before they can damage fruit
- Protein can be acquired from fungi or bacteria – or from our applied bait sprays
- Differ from cover sprays
- ‘Spot’ treatment only
- Protein + toxicant in bait attracts and kills flies
Tips for Best Results:
- Start early, before fruit is susceptible
- Apply regularly
- Don’t miss a treatment
- Place on foliage or trunk
- Never on ground or grass
- Re-treat after rain
- Increase frequency during high risk periods
- Apply fresh
- Not all proteins are equal, look at:
- protein content (%)
- preservatives
- Use thickeners and consider:
- resistance to weathering
- hygroscopic – remains moist for longer
- enhanced attractiveness
- use when extra control is required
Trapping of fruit flies
- Male specific traps
- Indicator of population trends only
- Effective female trap still eludes us
Male fly traps
- Many available
- Male sex attractant + toxicant
Monitoring should also include:
- regular field assessment
- possibly twice weekly in critical periods
Look for:
- adult flies visible
- evidence of ‘stinging’
Male Annihilation Technique (MAT)
- Suppression of the male fly population
- An invaluable tool in an area wide management (AWM) program
- Incremental gains over time
- Remove any fallen fruit via:
- Mulching
- Black plastic bag
- Deep burying
- Remove all fruit after harvest
- Late hanging fruit are high risk
- Issue of fallen fruit…
- If stung review procedures
- If not stung then little risk
Further information links
Australian Apple and Pear IPDM Fruit Fly Factsheet, including detailed information on bait spraying;
NSW DPI Queensland Fruit Fly Factsheet
Bugs for Bugs: https://bugsforbugs.com.au/