IPDM Action Plan 2019/20 – Lenswood, SA

Orchardist: Kym Green


Kym is a 5th generation orchardist running the family business in partnership with his brother Peter. They do most of their own packing, but some goes via the Lenswood Cooperative and some through Ceravolo’s. They have been involved with IPM since the 1980s, have been using Biodynamic principles since 2006 and are in transition to organic certification. Their main issues are codling moth, black spot, canary fly and some bryobia mite. Kym times application of codling moth granulosis virus according to a predictive model but got caught out this year with the second cohort of codling moth. His black spot program worked well until a major event caused prolonged wetting.


To achieve acceptable levels of damage while working within organic production guidelines by improving performance against codling moth and black spot.


  • Establish codling moth to determine biofix for the first cohort, monitor trends in population and to ground-truth predictions for the 2nd cohort
  • Explore organically acceptable ways of reducing disease inoculum over winter.
  • Conduct small plot trials with different rates (no higher than the registered rate) of sulphur to investigate efficacy and any side effects on beneficials or phytotoxicity.
  • Install a weather station in the block so that temperature and leaf wetness data and trapping results can be used in a predictive model to guide the need for sprays


  • Kym Green and Paul James to organise experimental plots, traps, and the monitoring plan/ record sheets
  • David Williams to supply pest prediction program
  • Kym and Paul to develop a pre-plan for responding to issues that may develop
  • Ask an expert facility in IPDM website is available for additional support and expertise
  • David and Paul are available for feedback


  • Experiments can be stressful, but no useful results will occur unless the participants maintain their nerve
  • Stress can be reduced by setting realistic targets that stretch comfort zones without creating major financial risks
  • Stress can be reduced by taking the time to seek expert advice on the problem, either in the planning phase or before the problem gets out of control, rather than making knee-jerk decisions
  • Regular assessments of pest and disease populations and damage levels will allow timely changes to approach before significant damage occurs
  • Use of prediction models based on local data will provide early indications of potential danger periods



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