No Black Spot Warning (Queensland only) 15th October 2019

Rain last night did not cause a black spot infection period.  Rainfall was apparently very patchy across the Granite Belt but significant falls of 4-6 mm occurred. The rain fell from around 2.30 a.m. and despite the early morning fog, leaves were dry by 10.00 a.m. It is doubtful that the rain released many spores as daylight and raindrop pressure is required. In any case, spores released would have perished before infection could take place. Pozieres, Cottonvale and Dalveen received little if any rain.

As of 14 October, 127.1 codling moth degree-days have accumulated. This indicates that after beehive removal or negligible bee activity, it is appropriate to apply codling moth insecticides where necessary.

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