Renowned entomologist David Williams from Agriculture Victoria will be visiting Stanthorpe on Tuesday 19th November to run an IPDM orchard walk with Peter Nimmo from Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Date: Tuesday 19th November
Time: 9.30am – 12.30
Location: Nicoletti Orchards, 61 Nicoletti Lane, Pozieres Qld
RSVP: [email protected] or 0407 371 057
The sessions will be held on case study IPDM orchards in each state and be a chance to see what IPDM strategies have been implemented and how well they have worked.
The sessions will cover:
- current local IPDM issues;
- overview the host case study orchard and look at what IPDM strategies have been implemented;
- an orchard walk, including hands on monitoring.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own hand lens if they have one.
Individual 20 minute sessions with David can be booked to create or review an IPDM plan for participants own orchards – please RSVP and make a booking.