Starting a safety conversation

Rural women play a significant role in shaping the safety culture of the farms where they live and work and, the communities in which they live.  And with agriculture still overrepresented in statistics about workplace accidents, it is so important that we are brave enough to speak up about safety on farms.

People working in agriculture make up about 14 per cent of annual fatalities, despite the industry only employing about two per cent of Victoria’s workforce. Serious injuries are also common, with an average of eight people every week working in agriculture injured seriously enough to make a worker’s compensation claim.

Now is the time to have a safety conversation and start investing in safety for the future of your business, your employees and your families. Don’t know where to start?  Contact one of our partner organisations for more information:

The Farm Safety Rebate (now fully subscribed) is a key component of Smarter, Safer Farms, a $20 million Victorian Government commitment to improve safety and skills outcomes for Victorian farmers. To learn about other Victorian Government programs or services and resources on topics such as farm business resilience, farm safety, wellbeing and new technologies visit or call 136 186.

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