This month we celebrate the second anniversary of the re-established Victorian Rural Women’s Network. It’s time to take stock of the achievements of our talented subscribers and kick off a third year of inspiring, resourcing and connecting.
At the end of June I was delighted to join Minister for Agriculture, the Hon. Jaclyn Symes at the launch of the second year of the Victorian Rural Women’s Leadership and Mentoring Program. The program offers funded places to rural Victorian women working in the agricultural sector in a wide range of established leadership programs.
This year 13 selected applicants embraced the opportunity to upskill, make new connections and meet potential mentors in five different programs designed for rural women at all stages of their leadership journey. Funded places will be on offer for up to 14 women in the 2020 round of applications.
Sometimes women feel they are not ready to lead, but more often than not they are more than ready to take the next step. This edition of the newsletter celebrates leadership and the stories of rural women stepping up to new and challenging roles that bring an enormous sense of fulfilment.
As we mark the second anniversary milestone, it is exciting to witness the network blossoming. Social media engagement has more than doubled this year, while the Victorian Rural Women’s Network website has been viewed more than 37,000 times since its launch. It’s clear rural and regional women are finding a place of connection and belonging.
This third year has even more opportunities in store with the upcoming launch of our second annual magazine, Network Connect, and a special networking event planned for International Day of Rural Women in October. Keep an eye on the events calendar and Facebook and Twitter feeds on how to get involved.
Cheers from Jasmine Glover, Rural Women’s Coordinator, on behalf of the Victorian Rural Women’s Network team.
We invite your stories or ideas for future editions. Articles should be written by, about or for rural women. If you would like to submit something for our October 2019 newsletter which takes a community theme, please send it by Monday 12 August 2019, to our new email address:
Contact us via:
Email: [email protected]