Landowners and renewable energy developments: what you need to know – webinar recording

Do you want to know more about the renewable energy transition and the processes involved with renewable energy developments?

At times, landowners in suitable areas are contacted by developers exploring potential locations for solar farms, wind farms or battery energy storage systems for connection to the electricity grid. It can be difficult as a landowner to know what your rights are, the questions to ask, and how to maximise benefits for yourself, your farm, and your community.  

Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action hosted a webinar for landholders to learn more about renewable energy developments. 

During this webinar, we heard from a range of expert speakers covering the below topics, as well as a question-and-answer session.  

  • The energy transition – VicGrid
  • Farmers role in the energy transition – Farmers for Climate Action 
  • Best practice from developers – the Clean Energy Council 
  • Landowner rights and avenues for complaints – Office of the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner
  • Farmer experience – a Glenrowan farmer who leases land for a solar farm
  • The planning and approvals process – Department of Transport and Planning

This webinar was recorded on 26 June 2024 and all information was accurate at the time of recording.

Presentation slides: Landowners and the renewable energy developments: what you need to know – Webinar

Transcript: Landowners and renewable energy developments: what you need to know – Webinar recording

Further Information

Useful websites and resources discussed in the webinar: 

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