Extension services assist new farming entrants

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The Agriculture Victoria irrigation team were recently contacted by a couple who had just purchased 40 acres at Dawson, Victoria. They were completely new to farming and wanted to develop their business model with a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability. They were particularly interested in advice on pasture and tree species, market gardening, soil improvement and grazing management using regenerative practices.

Their plan was to start running a few dairy steers to generate income and spread nutrients around the block. Thier long-term plan was to diversify into keeping chickens for commercial egg production and eventually to develop a commercial market garden with drip irrigation.

Dam on the new property

The existing dam on the family’s newly purchased property

Talking through all these possibilities with a new farming entrant utilised the broad range of Agriculture Victoria’s extension skill set. This included in depth knowledge of pasture species and quality, agronomy, water quality, regenerative agriculture, farm planning, irrigation system selection and staged development. General background knowledge of cattle and chicken husbandry, market gardening, farmers markets and feed budgeting over winter was also used to provide advice to the landowners.

One of the new property's paddocks from the laneway

One of the property’s new paddocks, fenced to assist rotational grazing methods

Following their initial visit, staff were able to supply contacts in the Meat and Wool and Horticulture teams in Agriculture Victoria to offer ongoing expert support.

The new farmers were supplied with extensive feed budgeting advice for autumn and winter 2023, which they were very thankful for. They have also made another appointment with staff to talk about their further irrigation plans for 2024.

The new entrants to the local farming industry couldn’t thank the Agriculture Victoria Irrigation Team enough, stating:

‘You’ve given me a 12-month business plan just in this one visit and saved me an awful lot of stress and money. I’m starting off on the right foot from the start.’

The extension officers were very proud to be of assistance and hope to continue to support the couple as they develop their business aspirations in the most environmentally sustainable manner possible.

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