Truffle farming in the MID: advice on water quality and irrigation scheduling

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A truffle farmer near Stratford was concerned about the recent rise of saline groundwater and the possible effects on his newly developed truffle farm.

Agriculture Victoria Irrigation and Horticulture staff visited the grower to talk through tree husbandry, salinity in the Macalister Irrigation District, groundwater recharge and movement, as well as irrigation advice around scheduling and soil moisture monitoring.

Extension staff also took water samples from the district’s salt interception bore nearby. These samples were analysed and staff then has a further meeting with the grower to provide management advice.

Agriculture Victoria is keeping in touch with the farmer, having recently offered to go out and help him install soil moisture monitoring probes and then provide assistance with data interpretation.

The farmer was very appreciative of the quality of advice provided, and the follow up visit. Agriculture Victoria extension staff were glad to provide advice on such a topical environmental issue and to assist the farmer to improve his irrigation efficiency and develop future irrigation plans.

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