Increased transparency with new water market dashboards

As a result of the Victorian Government’s commitment to increasing water market transparency, the Victorian Water Register has created three new interactive dashboards. The dashboards allow the public to access new water market data and see long term trends.

The dashboards topics cover:

  • Water allocation trading
  • Available water
  • Inter-valley trade opportunities

Water allocation trading

This dashboard shows where allocations are being traded and at what price. You can select the time frame and location of interest for either buyers or sellers.

Access it here:

Available water dashboard

This dashboard shows the percentage of water available for private owners, environmental water holders and water corporations. With a more detailed breakdown shown in the graph below.

Access it here:

Trade opportunities

The third dashboard provides insights on inter-valley trade opportunities in the current year, how trade opportunities have changed over time and factors that have influenced trade opportunities.

Access it here:


The Victorian Water Register is still looking for your feedback on what information should and shouldn’t be shared. To have your say please fill out the survey at

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