OVERsched – A Centre Pivot and Lateral Move management support tool

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OVERsched is a simple visualisation tool that allows the user to evaluate the effect of different management strategies on soil-water stress within different parts of the field.

Users can specify the key characteristics of the field, machine, crop and starting soil moisture content for their own farm. The outputs can help identify irrigation scheduling and management strategies which fit your field and machine conditions.

Possible uses:

  • Demonstrating the changing soil moisture throughout a typical irrigation cycle
  • Determining when to start irrigating following a rainfall event and what application volume to apply
  • Determining the effect of different management strategies on soil moisture deficit at different points in the field

To access the tool, please click this link.

The software will download into your ‘Downloads’ folder. Double click the OverSched1.exe file to install the software.

This software was developed by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation, with funding from the predecessors of the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

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