Apple and pear industry advisors who provide integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) services to orchardists are invited to join the Australian Apple and Pear IPDM Community of Practice (CoP).
The CoP provides a platform for IPDM advisors to come together to further their knowledge on IPDM and share their experience. It also provides skill development opportunities so that advisors can be assured they are armed with the latest research and development, including the practicalities of implementation in the orchard.
The CoP conducts monthly videoconferences for its members. Guest experts present on key topics to increase awareness on new research findings, explore emerging issues or introduce tools to assist in providing services to the industry. Importantly, it is also an opportunity to ask questions about what is currently being seen in the field.
The CoP also provides input to the IPDM extensionAus webpage, to create a useful and easily accessible resources for advisors and growers (see
CoP members can choose to contribute as much or little as they wish! This includes publishing articles that are peer reviewed, creating videos, and signposting to relevant IPDM resources. The webpage also has an ‘Ask the Expert’ function where the public can post IPDM related questions – CoP members may like to help identify pests or diseases or provide comment on potential management strategies for issues as they arise.
First Meeting
Thursday 5th November 1pm
Guest Speaker: David Williams – 2nd cohort of codling moth
Enquiries or to register contact Emily Crawford [email protected]
The Community of Practice is an activity of Agriculture Victoria’s PIPS3 Program project, AP19002- Strengthening cultural and biological management of pests and diseases in apple and pear orchards, funded by Hort Innovation using the apple and pear research and development levy and funds from the Australian Government.