Archive data pre 2018
Information displayed in the Soil Moisture Monitoring dashboard graphs (summed and individual separate traces) is currently restricted to two years which is a compromise to providing a suitable historic data showing recent soil moisture trend changes and permitting the dashboard display to be quick enough to view data in a serviceable time. Many of the cropping sites have data going back to 2011 but some sites are more recent with install date, e.g. Yalla-Y-Poora.
While the pasture monitoring sites don’t have the data length as far back as cropping site, many of these sites go back further than the data sets shown in the dashboard. Complete data is available via an alternative webpage that has a search function that allows the data to be analysed in more detail. Raw data can also be seen and downloaded from this site for further analysis.
To access historical information in graph format, visit the Agriculture Victoria INTELLiWEB site.
Cropping login and password are both: dpi
Pasture login and password are both: agvic
For more information about historical data please contact us at [email protected].