Goulburn to Murray IVT trade rule review

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) needs your input to proposed changes to the Goulburn to Murray trade rule.

Delivering water from the Goulburn inter-valley trade account during summer and autumn to support water requirements of the Murray system has caused significant environmental damage to the lower Goulburn River over the last two irrigation seasons.

Victoria is exploring changes to operational rules and trade rules to ensure that water traded from the Goulburn to the Murray can be delivered without unacceptable impacts on the environment or the reliability of other entitlements.

DELWP has prepared a paper for public consultation to help you to understand how operational rules set by environmental thresholds interact with possible changes to trade rules and consider the potential implications of these changes for how water trade occurs in the future.

Read the paper and provide feedback here: https://engage.vic.gov.au/goulburn-murray-trade-rule-review

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