The Loddon Campaspe Irrigation Region Land and Water Management Plan is currently being updated.
The North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is seeking community input to identify local irrigation farming priorities for attracting regional funding.
Community members can provide valuable input into the draft discussion paper by attending a Drop in Day, dates and locations below, or alternatively completing a 10-20 min survey by clicking here.
14th January 2020
10am to 2pm
Swan Hill Information Centre
Cnr McCrae & Curlewis Streets,
Swan Hill VIC 3535
15th January 2020
10am to 2pm
Cohuna CommunityCo
38 Channel St
Cohuna VIC 3568
To read the draft discussion paper click here.
Full implementation of the LWMP will be subject to the availability of funding over the life of the program, therefore this document should be viewed as an investment prospectus as such. Given the current dry conditions within the region and the state, there will likely be several competing priorities for funding of land and water management programs in the immediate future. Implementation of the programs developed within the LWMP are likely to vary in scale from year to year. The scale of implementation will be influenced by factors such as uptake and participation in programs, water scarcity, climatic conditions and irrigation modernisation. North Central CMA will regularly identify local priorities and objectives based on the LWMP and present these as project proposals to investors.
For further information, please contact Mandy Coulson, North Central CMA, P: (03) 5440 1807 or E: [email protected]