Workshop your irrigation, forage and cropping options

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Agriculture Victoria is running a series of free workshops as part of the Plan2Farm project that will help participants make tactical decisions around dry seasonal conditions and the upcoming autumn, winter and spring growing period.

Agriculture Victoria Senior Irrigation Officer, Rob O’Connor, said the cross-industry workshops will provide the latest information on seasonal and commodity outlooks, and discuss different irrigation, cropping and forage options.

This includes presentations on cropping gross margins; valuing water for autumn irrigations and water trading; and the outlook for climate, water, fodder and grain over the approaching six to nine months.

“Whether you are cropping or managing a dairy, beef or sheep enterprise; the high prices for water, grain and fodder make upcoming decisions about irrigation and cropping options very important,” Mr O’Connor said.

“Farmers will receive information to help them with more specific decisions about buying or selling irrigation water, how many irrigations to apply to annual pasture and crops in autumn, and whether to sow as a dryland crop.”

Speakers will include:
Colin Peace from Jumbuck Consulting;
Irrigated Cropping Council agronomist Damian Jones;
David Barthold from Ruralco;
Andrew Shields from Goulburn Murray Water Manager River Operations Planning;
Agriculture Victoria seasonal risk agronomists Dale Grey and Dale Boyd;
and Agriculture Victoria Senior Irrigation Extension Officer Rob O’Connor.

The workshops will be held at:
• Kerang: Thursday 21 February, 9.30am – 11.30am (lunch follows) at the Agriculture Victoria office, 26 Wellington Street
• Yarrawalla: Thursday 21 February, 12.30pm – 3pm (lunch at start) at the Yarrawalla Community Hall, Yarrawalla South Road
• Stanhope: Friday 22 February, 9.30am – 11.30am (lunch follows) at the Football Netball Clubrooms, Midland Hwy
• Congupna: Friday 22 February, 12.30pm – 3pm (lunch at start) at the Recreation Reserve Hall, Katamatite – Shepparton Main Rd.

To assist with catering, please RSVP to Darren at Agriculture Victoria, Echuca, on (03) 5482 1922 or email [email protected]

Irrigation workshops flyer


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