Ella Rasmussen
Every Bit Counts Project Coordinator
Local Land Services, North Coast
Ella Rasmussen is passionate about effective environmental management with a strong interest in integrated approaches, sustainable practices and social change. With 4 years’ experience working for the NSW Government and now currently with North Coast Local Land Services (NCLLS), Ella has a multi-disciplinary background and is interested in the intersection of science and social engagement.
Ella is running a new peri-urban engagement project in the NCLLS region called ‘Every Bit Counts’, which aims to shift the way that NCLLS and surrounding networks engage with and support small land holders by increasing educational opportunities, in order to improve NRM practices across the region.
Previously Ella has worked in the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer supporting R&D attraction to the state and reviewing complex science and engineering issues, as well as the Coastal Management Unit in Crown Lands delivering a communications strategy.