Ian Turnbull
Invasive Species Officer
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Ian is an Invasive Species Officer with NSW Department of Primary Industries. In this role Ian’s work focuses on new incursions of vertebrate pests into NSW. Currently Ian is working on preparedness activities in the Hunter Region for Cane Toads and undertaking strategic planning for Red-eared Slider Turtles in NSW.
Ian has a wide range of environmental experience working primarily in local Councils. He has a long history as a weeds specialist, working with landholders as weed inspector and also with Local Land Services as a Regional Weeds Coordinator. Ian has experience in coastline and estuary management, river water quality, sustainability and energy efficiency, biodiversity offsets and environmental zoning. He has also had experience managing Flying-fox camps in both Bellingen and Cessnock.
Ian’s previous work with the NSW Office Of Emergency Management involved increasing the preparedness of Local Councils in NSW for natural disasters and with Community Service Organisations in the Hunter Region to assist them to develop business continuity plans in order for them to continue operating during disaster events.