Megan Power
Senior Project Officer
Plant Biosecurity, NSW Department of Primary Industries
Megan is a Senior Project Officer with the Plant Biosecurity unit of NSW Department of Primary Industries. In this role Megan implements the unit’s communication strategy which includes e-Newsletters, website management and social media content. The focus of these communications is to improve preparedness for potential incursions of exotic plant pests and diseases. The role has previously worked with LLS to bolster capability for responding to plant biosecurity issues.
Through working with the technical specialists in Plant Biosecurity, Megan has gained a good understanding of exotic plant pests and diseases, how we look for them, and how we respond to incursions.
Megan has previously worked as a Regional Weeds Coordinator, working with Local Councils and LLS to undertake region-wide weed management projects. She also gained experience in creating informative pamphlets and website content to promote weed identification and management.