Join the Peri-urban Environmental Biosecurity on Wed 29 July at 2pm to learn about the role peri-urban communities can play in looking out for environmental pests of concern. This webinar includes presentations on the importance of environmental biosecurity, case studies on pests reported by the public, and the important role peri-urban communities can play in looking out for environmental pests of concern.
About the presentations
Introduction to the Peri-urban Environmental Biosecurity Network
Presenter: Elyse Herald-Woods, Director Strategy & Support, Environmental Biosecurity Office
Case study: Cane toads reported by the public
Presenter: Eva Twarkowski, Community Engagement Officer, Local Land Services, Hunter
Case study: Red imported fire ants (RIFA)
Presenter: Dr Adrian Nicholas, Senior Research Entomologist, Biosecurity & Food Safety, Department of Regional NSW
Reporting plant pests and diseases in NSW
Presenter: Rachel Taylor-Hukins, Plant Biosecurity Officer, Pest Surveillance, NSW DPI
This webinar is being held as part of the series of webinars hosted by the Botanic Gardens Biosecurity Network. Find out more about the series and register here