Introducing the Professional Beekeepers Community of Practice

The Professional Beekeepers Community of Practice (CoP) has been established to meet the needs of rural and regional Australia for the extension of knowledge and promote collaboration on important issues to commercial beekeeping.

Led by passionate and knowledgeable industry experts from around Australia, the Professional Beekeeping community provides the most recent, relevant and accurate information on the latest research and technological developments, best beekeeping practices and business solutions for the commercial beekeeping industry.

The ExtensionAUS platform was first launched in 2014 with Crop Nutrition and Field Crop Diseases Communities of Practice. The platform continues to grow with many more communities coming on board providing extension networks to collaborate and share expertise and resources online.

Our CoP is made of scientists, researchers, technical specialists, educators and commercial beekeepers with expertise in the areas of honey bee nutrition, queen breeding, pests and diseases, vocational education, pollination and managing beekeeping businesses around Australia.

Professional Beekeepers CoP manager Elizabeth Frost (NSW Dept of Primary Industries, Honey Bee Industry Development Officer) says,

“the goal is to get research outcomes and information that could improve the management and profit margins of beekeeping businesses to producers as quickly as possible wherever they are in remote and regional Australia. Over time we hope to get input from experts representing every state and territory.”

Let’s talk!

The Professional Beekeeping CoP is about keeping you informed and sharing expertise. We’d love to hear from you and learn what information would be helpful in building and managing your beekeeping business. Please complete this very short questionnaire to help us deliver information relevant to you, or click on the link below. 

If you have commercial beekeeping best practices or research outcomes to share and you are interested in finding out how you can be involved in our CoP, please also refer to the last section.

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