Episode 21: Zest warrior: Asian citrus psyllid and the CitrusWatch program with Dr Jessica Lye

Asian citrus psyllid on a lime tree branch

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The Good, The Bad and the Bug-ly, a Podcast series by the Urban Plant Health Network

Episode 21: Zest warrior: Asian citrus psyllid and the CitrusWatch program with Dr Jessica Lye

Biosecurity risks to plants and horticulture production are not only exotic pests, but sometimes it’s often the diseases they carry. Asian Citrus Psyllid is an exotic pest to Australia, but most of the damage from this pest actually comes from a bacterium it carries, which has devastated overseas citrus industries.

Biosecurity Manager with Citrus Australia, Dr Jessica Lye, joins us again to explain more about a program Citrus Australia runs and how it aims to keep Australia free of this pest and the disease it spreads in the latest ‘The Good, The Bad, and the Bug-ly’ episode.

For more information visit the Urban Plant Health Network.

If you see something unusual, call the Exotic Pest Plant Health line on 1800 084 881 or take a photo and upload it to the MyPestGuide Reporter.

Read the transcript (27KB)

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