Episode 20: The good and the bad in the world of flies with Kyla Finlay

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The Good, The Bad and the Bug-ly, a Podcast series by the Urban Plant Health Network

Episode 20: The good and the bad in the world of flies with Kyla Finlay

As annoying as flies are, they have an important part to play in our ecosystem. With many different types of flies, it can be easy to think they are all the same. There are good flies, bad flies and some really bad flies that are exotic to Australia and we want to keep it that way. So how can you tell the difference between the good ones and the bad ones?

Senior Entomologist with Agriculture Victoria, Kyla Finlay, helps us determine which flies are bad flies and which are good flies in the latest ‘The Good, The Bad, and the Bug-ly’ episode.

For more information visit the Urban Plant Health Network.

If you see something unusual, call the Exotic Pest Plant Health line on 1800 084 881 or take a photo and upload it to the MyPestGuide Reporter.

Read the transcript (43KB)

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