Episode 17: The solitary life of native bees with Robert McDougall

Teddy bear native bees hovering next to a white and yellow flower

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The Good, The Bad and the Bug-ly, a Podcast series by the Urban Plant Health Network

Episode 17: The solitary life of native bees with Robert McDougall

There are around 1,700 species of native bees that have been given names by scientists, but it is estimated there is as many as 2,000. Unlike European honeybees, native bees are mostly not social, preferring to live solitary lives, rather than in large swarms. With that many different native bee species, you may or may not have come across some in urban Melbourne. So how can you encourage these solitary native bees into your garden?

Robert McDougall, research scientist with Cesar Australia, explains what some of the more common native bees look like and where they like to live, and how you can encourage them into your garden.

For more information visit the Urban Plant Health Network.

If you see something unusual, call the Exotic Pest Plant Health line on 1800 084 881 or take a photo and upload it to the MyPestGuide Reporter.

Read the transcript (WORD – 24KB)

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