Episode 19: What’s all the buzz about bumblebees? with Michael Whitehead

large earth bumblebee hanging upside down from a purple flower

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The Good, The Bad and the Bug-ly, a Podcast series by the Urban Plant Health Network

Episode 19: What’s all the buzz about bumblebees? with Michael Whitehead

The large earth bumblebee is exotic to mainland Australia but has been present in Tasmania since 1992.  These large, furry, and loudly buzzing bumblebees are ferocious foragers, and experts are concerned about the impact these large bees could have on our native species of bees and other nectar eating wildlife.

Invasive species analyst, Michael Whitehead, explains why the large earth bumblebee is not the kind of bee you want to hear buzzing around your garden, and what to do if you suspect you find one in the latest ‘The Good, The Bad, and the Bug-ly’ episode.

For more information visit the Urban Plant Health Network or Agriculture Victoria.

If you see something unusual, call the Exotic Pest Plant Health line on 1800 084 881 or take a photo and upload it to the MyPestGuide Reporter.

Read the transcript (WORD – 39KB)

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