Farm Finance webinars – learn the basics and have your questions answered

No regrets, Farm Finance - Getting Prepared

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Young farmer Karleigh Martin has no regrets joining the Farm Finance webinar series. Read on to find out why Karleigh has enjoyed the experience and how joining the next webinar could help you.

About Karleigh

I was raised on a farm and am now married to a farmer but I never previously had anything to do with the books. My husband hates doing the farm books and never prioritised them. I understand the value that can be added to a business when the books are done properly and I understand how important it is to budget and plan financially. I am now doing the books for our cropping and stock enterprise.  

New Opportunities

I am definitely no expert and I am trying to do my best from what I have learnt over the years. I am always looking for opportunities to grow and expand my knowledge of farm finance and when I saw the webinars come up I never hesitated I jumped on board and registered straight away. After watching the first one I never regretted my decision and knew I wanted to make sure I was available to watch the remaining webinars. 

Benefits of attending live

The webinars are available as a recording if you can’t attend live which was great for me when I had to leave one session early due to family commitments. However, I highly recommend attending live as the facilitators and presenter are very responsive to answering any questions about the content being discussed which is a wonderful opportunity to clarify any questions you may have. 

The webinars cover the basics but are very informative. I don’t feel out of my depth unlike other workshops I have attended. They have covered  a lot of things I already know, but there are also a lot of things I have learnt, and some things I received greater clarity and understanding around. For example, I always knew what fixed costs and variable costs were but I sometimes felt confused about which category some items would fall under. Jane’s explanation cleared up any confusion I had. 

The webinars have shown what banks are looking for when applying for a loan and clarify which documents are important to keep up to date such as your cash flow budget. 

Engaging and learning about other industries

The webinars cover a variety of industries. I have never been exposed to dairy farming and I have found it very interesting learning about another industry.

The webinars include anonymous interactive polls. I have found them very interesting as I can see what other farmers are doing out there. I understand how expensive consulting advice can be and I feel very privileged to have this opportunity free of charge.

Register Now!

Sign up now for the Business Risks Impact on Cashflow webinar on this Thursday 13 May at 7pm.

The workshop will take you through understanding how risks impact cashflow and what you can do about it.

The Farm Finance Getting Prepared Webinar series is a Smarter Safer Farms Initiative 

Further Information

Contact Young Farmer Project Coordinator


Find out more about Smarter Safer Farms 

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