Forecasts4Profit website and Local Climate Tool

screenshot of Forecasts4Profit website

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Understanding the jargon and lingo that is associated with climate variability can be confusing. The new Forecasts4Profit and Local Climate Tool can help you to simplify these terms and assist you in determining what they mean for your area. 

The Forecasts4Profit website and Local Climate Tool have been produced as part of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) ‘Using Seasonal Forecasts’ extension project, a collaboration between the GRDC, Agriculture Victoria, South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) and Federation University. 

The Forecasts4Profit web resource provides a single location to find: 

  • The latest versions of The Break seasonal updates
  • Farmer case studies sharing how they are using seasonal forecast information
  • Handy links, tools and forecast model sites accessed by The Break team
  • The Very Fast Break flashback highlights – an entertaining way to test your climate knowledge.

The Local Climate Tool allows you to assess which of the climate drivers, El Nino, La Nina, positive and negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), have had an effect on rainfall in your area over the last 120 years. 

Below is just a selection of the different figures and tables that you can integrate in the Local Climate Tool.  

Types of graphs available on Forecasts4Profit

Each of the above figures and tables are interactive and therefore it is best you access the Local Climate Tool via a desktop computer or laptop, or tablet.

Check out the below videos to get an idea on how to use the site, before testing it for yourself:

If you have any feedback or comments on this new project website please contact [email protected]

Further Information

Enter the Forecasts4Profit website here.  

Visit The Break, sign up for The Break newsletters and view The Very Fast Break videos, at the Agriculture Victoria website.

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