NEW Glossary of Terms eLearn

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We have recently developed a Glossary of Terms eLearning resource that you may find helpful – read on to find out more.

The farm business Glossary of Terms eLearn is a resource for young farmers that contains helpful definitions for common farm financial terms that young farmers will come across when running or managing a farm business. You can access the eLearn on the Agriculture Victoria Learning Management System (LMS). 

Amongst the mix of farm financial terms, you will meet Glossie, our friendly animated Kelpie featured in the ‘Overhead’ and ‘Variable cost’ sections. Glossie explains what overhead and variable costs are and gives some helpful on farm examples to illustrate the difference.

Keen to check it out? Create an account on the Agriculture Victoria LMS and navigate to the Glossary of terms course. Once you have an account you’ll be able to go straight to the Glossary of terms eLearn. Don’t forget to check your emails and click the link to validate your account. Already have an account? Just login and register for the Glossary of terms. 

If you have a moment, we would love your feedback on Glossie. We would like to develop additional animations with Glossie and her great skills in explaining farm finance terminology,  and your feedback will be helpful in their design. You can follow the link to the feedback here or complete the feedback on the LMS after completing the Glossary of terms eLearn. 

The Farm Business Glossary of Terms eLearn was supported by Agriculture Victoria’s Smarter Safer Farms Program and the Young Farmers Network.

Further Information

There are other eLearns available on the Agriculture Victoria LMS which may interest you, and you can check these out by taking a look at the Goals Catalogue when you are logged in to the platform.

For assistance with the Agriculture Victoria Learning Management System you can reach out to the helpful team at le******@ag*********.au

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