There are a range of support options available for young farmers and rural leaders. Read below to find out more…….
Personal and Professional Development
Click here to read about the range of support that is out there for the next generation of food and fibre producers and rural leaders. You will find government, industry and community alike all want to help young farmers with a career in food and fibre.
Young Farmer Business Bootcamps
Young Farmer Business Bootcamps are targeted at young farmers, or those new to managing a farm business, participants can expect to improve their understanding of profit and loss, cash flow budgeting, balance sheets, gross margins, planning for and managing risks, as well as financial planning and analysis.
Keep an eye on the Young Farmer Business Network Facebook page for upcoming dates. Contact Sarah Wallis if you would like a bootcamp delivered in your town.
Farm Business elearning module
The Farm Business eLearn module has been designed for all farmers, from those new to managing farm businesses, to those just wanting to brush up on some farm business management skills or gain further insight into the financial aspects of a farm business.
The eLearning module compliments the Young Farmer Business Bootcamps and discusses the basic concepts of liquidity, efficiency and wealth. The module includes downloadable spreadsheets for cash flow, profit and loss, trading accounts, and opening and closing balance sheets, along with a case study and short self-assessment at the end of the module to test your knowledge.
The module will take approximately two hours to complete, and has the option to leave the course at any time, and upon your return the course will resume where you left off, making it easy to complete the eLearn at a time that suits you.
Click here to access the Farm Business eLearn.
Young Farmers Business Network
The Young Farmer Business Network connects young farmers and agribusiness professionals with accessible business management related information, events of interest, information on Victorian young farmer groups, as well as signposting opportunities to apply for awards, grants and scholarships, and/or to participate in other forms of learning.
Join the conversation on the Young Farmers Business Network Facebook group or visit the Young Farmer Business Network website.
Young Farmers Scholarships
The Upskill and Invest – Young Farmers Scholarship is an opportunity to invest in you and your career.
Up to $10,000 is available per scholarship:
- up to $5,000 towards study
- up to $5,000 to invest in putting new skills into practice, with professional development, business planning or other on-farm activities.
The scholarship program is designed to be flexible, to fit with the demands and ambitions of young farmers and farm workers.
Since the start of the program in 2015, the Minister for Agriculture has awarded scholarships to 50 young farmers. Each year, 12 to 15 scholarships are awarded to young farmers aged 35 or younger.
The fifth round of the Young Farmers Scholarships closed on 9 August 2019.
Click here for more information on the Young Farmers Scholarships.
Stamp Duty Exemption and Concession Scheme
Young farmers buying their first farmland property in Victoria, are entitled to a duty exemption or concession if you satisfy eligibility criteria. Click here for more information.
Celebrating achievements of the food and fibre industry is a really important way to get the message out there that agriculture is a fun, exciting and rewarding career. There are many great award and bursary programs that aim to give you a little helping hand in bringing your next big idea to life!
Don’t be shy! Throw your hat in the ring – you are the next generation of rural and industry leaders.
Click here to view the range of options available.
Young Farmers Advisory Council
The Young Farmers Advisory Council provides a strong voice for young people in Agriculture. The council also serves to develop the sector leaders of tomorrow. New council members were appointed in August 2018.
The council is a group of dynamic and motivated young people from various agricultural industries and regions, who advise government on issues affecting young people in agriculture and on program delivery.
Click here for more information on the Young Farmers Advisory Council.
Get in touch with your peers
Click here for a list of some Young Farmer groups and industry bodies who are focused on supporting young farmers in business management across Victoria.
Click here for a list on the Agriculture Victoria website of networks in Victoria, as well as the rest of Australia.
Further Information
Visit the Young Farmers page on the Agriculture Victoria Website