Who Got the Irrigation Water This Season and Why: Water allocation processes

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9 June 2022


The connected southern Murray Darling Basin (sMDB) extends across northern Victoria, southern New South Wales, and parts of South Australia, and comprises different catchments, irrigation regions, water storages and waterways.

Each state in the sMDB has their own unique suite of water entitlement products. Where rainfall and run-off occur in each catchment drives differences in state shares and hence how much water a state can allocate in a year.

Seasonal determinations and allocations are the key processes that share available water between individual entitlement holders. While the same general principles apply across all states; the allocations and determinations are different due to differences in water products and sharing rules. There is only a weak correlation between dam levels, seasonal determinations, and allocations.

Carryover is an important risk management tool, however maximising these opportunities requires careful planning. There are different approaches and a range of carryover products across the sMDB, with differences between states and water systems.

Information is available on resource manager websites to help understand and manage your water portfolio to best meet your needs.

Victoria: https://nvrm.net.au/

New South Wales: https://www.industry.nsw.gov.au/water/allocations-availability

South Australia: https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/river-murray/water-allocation

Content sources and further information

PDF slides from presentation

Water allocation processes GARRY SMITH

Irrigation webinar series recordings


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