The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) vision is a sustainable and profitable Australian honey bee industry providing food security and market opportunities. AHBIC’s mission is to represent the best interest of the Australian beekeeping industry through advocacy and the prioritizing of research, development and education.
Video: In this video, Peter McDonald, chair of AHBIC discusses some of the important work the industry council performs.
AHBIC works with strategic partners in the following areas:
- Maintain and improve access to high quality floral resources
- Development of a pesticides action plan
- Maintain access to and grow domestic and international honey markets
- Increased testing of imported honey and beeswax
- National Bee Biosecurity Code of Practise
- Manage pest incursions: Varroa destructor, Varroa jacobsoni, Asian honey bees
- National Bee Pest Surveillance program
- Queen bee and semen import regulations
- Bee biosecurity officers
- BeeAware website
- Biosecurity Online Training
- Certificate III in Beekeeping
- Media and public outreach
- BeeConnected app
Research & Development
- B-Qual
- AgriFutures Honey Bee & Pollination program
AHBIC employs a CEO, while all of the executive work voluntarily on behalf of the industry. The broad array of programs that AHBIC is involved with cannot be maintained without support. The important work AHBIC does is supported solely by donations.
Support your council to support you, become a Friend of AHBIC.
About the author Nadine Chapman