Jeff Milne

Job Title: National Citrus Surveillance Coordinator

Organisation: Citrus Australia Ltd

Citrus is grown commercially in all states except Tasmania and in the Northern Territory. In August 2018 Jeff commenced working with Citrus Australia as National Citrus Surveillance Coordinator to coordinate surveillance activities and data collection, increase awareness of biosecurity and Exotic Plant Pests, and improve preparedness for incursions of those pests.

Jeff grew up on a dried vine fruit property and most of his career has been in production horticulture management in the Mildura region, which also included grower liaison, training, and quality system management.

Jeff has managed Victorian government projects in viticulture extension and regional development, is a former member of the Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Board and until recently operated their family wine grape vineyard.

Jeff holds Diplomas in Agricultural Science (Longerenong), Viticulture, (Charles Sturt University) and Business Management (University of Ballarat) and Certificates in Training and Assessment and Internal Auditing.

A common user friendly surveillance reporting system that industry and governments agree on then promote and support is Jeff’s hope.

Biosecurity is paramount to protect our industries and rural communities from the devastating Exotic Pests that are present overseas and to keep export markets open.

Early detection and response is essential for successful eradication of exotic pests.

Home gardeners can assist industry by being vigilant and reporting new pests before they reach production areas.

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