Energy resources to reduce costs and consumption

Many light bulbs going into distance

Concerned about fuel, electricity or gas prices?

There are significant opportunities for farm businesses to reduce energy consumption and therefore energy costs while also lower related greenhouse gas emissions.

This list of resources including guides, factsheets, case studies and tools may assist you along your energy journey. The list has not been collated to be exhaustive rather it directs to the most relevant information about reducing energy costs and consumption.

For easy reference, this list has been categorised by industry and technology type.



Cross Industry

The following links provide access to tools and information relevant to all industries.



The main energy costs for horticulture businesses are associated with heating, cooling, processing and irrigation.

To assist producers the following guides, factsheets and tools have been developed specifically for the horticulture industry by their industry bodies. These tools can be used to inform and assist decision making about energy efficiency with the aim of reducing operational costs.




The tools, case studies and guidelines below were developed for chicken egg & meat growers, breeders and hatcheries to manage their energy use and efficiency.

Meat and Wool

The following tools and guides provide information to assist the Australian red meat industry, including producers, lot feeders, and processers. These cover energy management options that save on energy costs, improve energy security, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Cropping and Cotton

Diesel accounts for a significant proportion of the total energy used on cropping farms. Producers are continuing to improve energy use efficiency enabling improved profitability and reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.




The utilisation of solar photovoltaic (PV) and thermal solar systems by Australian businesses is increasing. In agriculture, the use of solar PV (panels) is being used to power infrastructure including water pumps, lights, electric fences etc. While thermal solar systems are being used to provide heat to dry crops, heat livestock buildings and greenhouses and provide hot water.

These systems are driving cost savings, increasing self-reliance and reducing greenhouse emissions. The following links and guides are designed to assist farm businesses to determine their needs for their operation.


Maximising efficiency and productivity across the production process, including maximising value from waste streams via the use of bioenergy has been explored and being utilised in a number of industries. Biogas is one bioenergy option that can be captured from waste streams such as manure or vegetable waste in an anaerobic digestor. The biogas can be utilised to generate heat or heat and electricity enabling a reduction in electricity sourced from the grid and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

The following links and frameworks are designed to assist farmers to explore the option of bioenergy and assist in the implementation of the technology.

  • Pork Australia Limited’s Renewable energy (biogas) webpage collates information on biogas for the piggery industry including the Code of Practice for On-farm Biogas Production and Use (Piggeries)
  • Pork Australia Limited’s Code of Practice for On-farm Biogas Production and Use (Piggeries) aims to provide a consistent framework and guidance for the safe design, construction, operation, and maintenance of biogas systems in order to facilitate greater uptake of biogas in the Australian Pork industry.
  • Pork Australia Limited Biogas Safety Management Plan complements the “Code of Practice for On-farm Biogas Production and Use (Piggeries)” (Biogas CoP) which gives information on biogas safety of relevance to piggeries and proposes ways to reduce the safety risk.
  • PorkCRC’s Talking Topic papers are a number of papers covering collecting biogas benefits of pig manure, biogas safety – the essentials, covered lagoons and cleaning piggery biogas
  • Horticulture Innovation Limited’s Biogas generation feasibility study in the vegetable industry explores in more detail the feasibility of biogas on Australian vegetable farms.
  • Waste to Profit project aims to develop technologies and business models for the conversion of wastes from the red meat, dairy, pork and municipal waste industries into valuable products resulting in productivity and profitability improvements for primary producers.
  • The Emissions Reduction Fund Animal effluent management method provides an incentive for piggeries and dairies to develop new facilities for the treatment of animal effluent by emissions destruction, emissions avoidance or both.
  • AgSTAR’s Biogas Recovery in the Agriculture Sector is a collaborative program sponsored by EPA and USDA providing information and promoting the use of biogas recovery systems to reduce methane emissions from livestock waste.
  • Agriculture Victoria hosted a webinar on Bioenergy with a panel of experts exploring anaerobic digestion and its opportunities for agriculture and thermal bioenergy systems.


Batteries provide an opportunity to store energy generated on-farm and to be used when needed. There are a number of resources available to inform and explore the use of batteries on-farm.

Further Information

For more information, explore the Energy Smart Farming site or you can Ask a Team member if you can’t find what you’re looking for.